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April 2016

Narta carnival

April 9, 2016 - April 16, 2016
Unnamed Venue,
Vlora, Albania

Narta carnival poster, V. Zuna Each year in the second week of April, a carnival celebration takes place in the area. Festivities include concerts, an ethno-gastronomic fair, games, visits and public awareness events. Among the objectives of the carnival are the promotion of the historical and cultural values of the area and the support for the protection and conservation of the environment, especially in view of possible threats by future development projects. The festivities are organised…

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St. George – Saltpans Feast, Sečovlje Salina, Slovenia

April 22, 2016 - April 24, 2016

Traditional salt workers, Secovjle Salinas, A. Sovinc On the last weekend of April, the St.-George – Saltpans Feast will take place in the town of Piran and in , Slovenia, one of the most idyllic towns of the Slovenian coast. A new season of salt gathering begins on St. George's Day and locals honour the new season with a large number of events. On Sunday 24 April, a number of events will be organised at the…

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Oshtoora festival – Fayoum – 28 April – 2 May 2016

April 28, 2016 @ 8:00 am - May 2, 2016 @ 5:00 pm
Kairo, Egypt

Oshtoora. A temporary state. Oshtoora is a traveling festival of music and arts, a collective of like-minded initiatives and an ongoing experiment. It is inspired by nature in both its design and operation. This year Oshtoora is located in Fayoum, 100 kilometers southwest of Cairo. Fayoum is home to some of the few waterfalls around, wonderful rock formations and Egypt’s annual pottery festival. It is also considered a resting ground for thousands of migratory birds, especially around Lake Qarun where…

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May 2016

8th Camargue Festival

May 5, 2016 @ 8:00 am - May 10, 2016 @ 5:00 pm
Arles, France


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Les Saintes Maries de la Mer Pilgrimage

May 24, 2016 - May 25, 2016

In Camargue, France, Saintes Maries de la Mer proudly welcomes Romanies, Manouches, Tziganes and Gitans who come to  venerate their Saint, the Black Sara. Every year they gather  on the 24th and 25th  May for the pilgrimage but also the third weekend of October. They camp on the streets, on the squares, on the beach, reunite with family and baptise their children in the Saintes Maries Church.

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June 2016

10èmes Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie de Ghar el Melh

June 12, 2016 - June 18, 2016
Fort Lazaret,
Av. Habib Bourguiba
Ghar el Mehl, Tunisia

Fort Lazaret, Ghar el Mehl, I. Lyratzaki The project, while engaging with Tunisian and international partners, will address the development and promotion of the Tunisian youth photographers combined with providing a forum for the public debate on the role of photography in addressing the outstanding social and economic challenges. The project will focus on promoting an education on how photography can be used to enhance public participation of the citizens in Ghar el Melh and…

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July 2016

14’th International Festival of Theatre “BUTRINTI 2000”

July 18, 2016 - July 25, 2016

Butrint, Roman theatre, Th. Papayannis The 14'th International Festival of Theatre "BUTRINTI 2000" will be held on July 18 - 25, 2016 in Antic Butrint Theater

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August 2016

Pilgrimage of El Cristo de la Salud, Albufera de Valencia, Spain

August 4, 2016

Cristo del Palmar, Albuferra de Valencia, M.J. Vinals The water-borne pilgrimage of El Cristo de la Salud, also known as El Cristo de la El Palmar, only began in 1974, when it was introduced by the local church, but it has become very popular in the surrounding towns, as well. The pilgrimage takes place in the La Albufera coastal lagoon, in the district of El Palmar in Valencia, and blesses the waters to ensure good catches…

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19th Maraton Lađa – Traditional Vessel Racing in Neretva

August 14, 2016 @ 5:00 pm
Lower Neretva River,
Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)
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Competition in Neretva Ladja Marathon, E. Draganovic Traditional Vessel Racing in Neretva Maraton lađa is a rowing competition which involves racing of traditional vessels, known as lađa, which are native to the Lower Neretva River which flows through the Croatia. Lađa were used by the old Neretva pirates, who terrorised the area back in the 10th century. To preserve the traditions of the old Lađa, the rowing race from Metković to Ploče was introduced for the…

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Prespeia Festival – Prespa Lakes, Greece 27-29/8

August 27, 2016 - August 29, 2016

The little island Aghios Achillios, amidst the Prespa Lakes,  has been for many years the centre of the "Prespeia" Festival, just before the end of summer. Prespa Lakes border Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, in a magnificent landscape where the lakes meet the surrounding mountains.   Aghios Achillios is the second inhabited lake island in Greece. In the past, the island was accessed only by boat but recently a bridge connects the island to the lake shore.…

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September 2016

Fête du Riz, the Camargue, France

September 9, 2016 @ 8:00 am - September 24, 2016 @ 5:00 pm
The Camargue,
Arles, Le Sambuc
Arles, Le Sambuc, Provence France

During the last days of summer, the long-standing tradition of the Rice Festival is celebrated throughout the region of the Camargue. Related festivities take place in Arles and in Sambuc, which include the arrival of the Rice Ambassador by boat from the River Rhône, parades, and  dinners. The rice festivities testify to the importance of rice cultivation for the area of the Camargue and its inhabitants, a result of a complex system of water management in the delta region. See…

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October 2016

Gustatus: The Sense of Taste festival, Orbetello, Italy

October 29, 2016 - November 1, 2016

Aerial photo of Orbetello between the two lagoons, M. Cenni “Gustatus: The Sense of Taste” is a wine and food festival that  takes place from 29 October to 1 November in the lagoon town of Orbetello. A four day festival of gastronomic food and wine tasting by the  lagoon, Orbetello's "Il Senso del Gusto" of smells and flavours of the rural tradition is an important annual tradition in Maremma's annual calendar that fill Orbetello with visitors…

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June 2017

Virgin Mary of El Rocío celebration

June 5, 2017

Farewell ceremony for the Virgin transfer to Almonte,Donana, J.M. Mallarach The Virgin Mary of El Rocío is celebrated in El Rocío, a village situated among beaches and marshes. In the past, the site was a magnet for large numbers of inhabitants from the broader region, but more recently thousands of people from all over the country have started participating in the pilgrimage and the festivities. Included in the celebrations is a procession through the Doñana National…

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